Saturday 29 March 2014


Many items found around the home can be reused for different purposes. So before you throw those items away, think about how they can be reused. Items like glass containers and boxes can be reused as a fantastic storage container to keep various  things and this habit also helps to conserve natural resources, saves energy and reduces the greenhouse effect.

Here is a suggestion on how to reuse empty tissue boxes to make useful storage boxes for plastic bags and multipurpose storage bins that can be used to keep other things like stationery items for kids too!

Step 1:
- Collect empty tissue boxes. 
Step 2:
-   Use it as it is to store plastic bags! You can decorate it if you like.

Step 3:
-  If you would like to make storage boxes for other things like stationery items, you will need to trace the outline of where you would like to cut with a marker then proceed to trim (be careful doing this).

Step 4:
- Wrap up the boxes with old gift wrapping paper. If you don't have one, be creative as you may wrap it using magazine paper or old calendar paper. Do reuse wrapping paper as they are often hard to recycle.

Step 5: 
- Paste or arrange the boxes on a table or affix them to a wall, where it’s convenient for use.

Now, the tissue boxes are ready to use!

By having these practical storage boxes, it will indirectly encourage us to keep used plastic bags in it. Reuse them when going shopping as often as possible. It can be reused several times before it. By reducing the amount of plastic grocery bags in the environment, we are also contributing towards a greener planet! 


Posted by Ayu
Learning Specialist, Petrosains

Friday 28 March 2014


Almost everyone buys a drink, whether it’s a soda, water, or perhaps iced tea. But what do we do with the plastic bottles they come in? The next time you grab one, be sure to hold on to the empty plastic bottle. With just a few simple steps, you can reuse an empty plastic bottle and help food keep longer! 

When we open a bag of food like chips, cereals, or bread, we often reseal them a with rubber band or a store-bought clip. If improperly sealed, the food may lose its crunch, spoil faster, or attract unwanted pests. But why hassle over fussy rubber bands or spend money buying fancy clips when you can make one yourself!

With an empty plastic bottle, a cutter, and your creativity, you can make your very own sealer for opened bags of food! It is easy to use and practical, with the ability to seal most kinds of  bags. Here’s how it looks like:
Want to make one? All you need is an empty plastic drinking bottle that's washed and dry, a marker pen and a cutter (be careful using this). Here are 3 easy steps to make a  sealer. 

Step 1:
- Prepare the bottle by cleaning and drying it. Any plastic bottle with a screw on cap will work.

Step 2:
- Trace the outline of where to cut with a marker. We will only use the top part of the bottle. Be creative with the second half!
Step 3:
- After that, carefully cut along the lines. Be careful while cutting. Adults should be doing this. Decorate the sealer if you like using leftover materials like ribbons. Decorating isn't necessary as you may immediately use it after it is cut.

Here you go! A sealer for an opened bags of food is ready to use! Just slide the opened bag of food through the top of the bottle, then seal it by screwing the cap on tightly.

So reuse and extend the lifespan of the items we have. This helps minimize waste and indirectly we are contributing towards a greener planet


Posted by Ayu
Learning Specialist, Petrosains

Thursday 27 March 2014


We are often reminded of the 4-R’s – Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. These 4 habits if practiced regularly can go a long way towards keeping our environment healthy. Oftentimes though, we simply toss things into the trash without fully extending its lifespan. Among the many things that are disposed, empty plastic bottles rank high on the list.

Here’s an idea on how you can reuse an empty plastic soap dispenser and perhaps even make your home safer! We tend to leave our phones on the floor while charging it, but doing so means someone might  trip on the wires, potentially causing damage to the phone and charger, not to mention harm to the person. Children especially are susceptible to trip over wires that are spread out around the floor. 

The solution, a simple DIY with an empty plastic soap dispenser and you can have your very own phone charging holder which keeps the phone and wires off the floor! Here’s how it looks like:

This is just but one of many variations that you can design, depending on the shape and size of your plastic container. You can also decorate them in various ways, just be sure to keep away conductive or flammable items away from the power outlet. Want to make one? All you need is a clean plastic soap dispenser that’s washed and dry, a marker pen, a cutter (be careful using this!), and your creativity!

Step 1:
- Prepare the container by cleaning and drying it. Be sure the size of the container is big enough for your phone.
Step 2:
- Visualise the shape that you like and trace the outline of where you want to cut with a marker. Make a square at the back that is approximately the size of your power outlet.
Step 3:
- Once done, carefully cut out the unwanted pieces. You can use a file to soften the edges. Be careful as some plastics are rigid and may be hard to cut. Adults should be doing this.
Step 4:
- Decorate the container if you like using leftover materials like ribbons or just apply stickers. You can also label it using a permanent marker.

And voila! Your very own phone charging holder made out of used plastic containers. 

Other bottles that also work for this purpose are shampoo bottles, lotion bottles, softener bottles and detergent containers. Everything really depends on the size of your phone.  Just be sure to find a plastic container that’s sturdy enough – some plastic containers such as soda or water bottles may be too soft for this purpose.

So reuse and extend the lifespan of the items we have. This helps minimize waste and indirectly, we are contributing towards a greener planet. Better still, switch off the power mains when the phone is fully charged to avoid wasting unnecessary electricity, even though it’s minimal. A little bit goes a long way.


Posted by Ayu
Learning Specialist, Petrosains

Tuesday 18 March 2014

Olah Tari Imitasi Perilaku Haiwan

Ambil sebuah akuarium kecil yang didiami oleh beberapa ekor ikan dan letakkan di atas meja Dalam masa lima minit, perhati dan cuba teliti gerak-geri ikan-ikan itu. Ambil sekeping kertas dan  tulis apa yang diperhatikan. Perihalkan gerakan yang dilihat dengan perkataan. Ikan berenang dengan liuk lentuk yang gemalai dan kekadang ia melompat-lompat di dalam air.  Ini adalah 'etologi' atau ilmu tentang perilaku haiwan. Setiap jenis haiwan memiliki perilaku yang tersendiri yang sesuai dengan ciri-ciri fizikal yang ada. 

Pemerhatian terhadap perlakuan bintang ini sebenarnya telah banyak memberi inspirasi kepada pengolah tari dalam mencorakkkan tarian. Misalnya, tarian yang terkenal di kalangan masyarakat cina iaitu 'Fish Lantern Dance' adalah hasil kreatif pengolah tari mengimitasi gerak-geri ikan dalam tarian. Penari-penari turut mengenakan kostum yang menyerupai ikan sebenar bagi memberikan impak yang lebih berkesan ketika persembahan. Gerakan dalam tarian ini menyerupai pergerakan ikan yang sebenar dan ini bermakna pengolah tari telah menjalankan pemerhatian dan kajian terperinci dalam mempelajari perilaku ikan.
Perlakuan burung merak pula ditiru dalam kebanyakkan Tarian Klasik India. Burung yang terlalu megah dengan kecantikan bulu yang dimilikinya dapat diperhatikan dalam gerak tari tarian tersebut. Bulu burung merak turut dijadikan sebagai kostum ketika mempersembahkan tarian ini.

Pernahkah pula kita terfikir apakah asal usul gerak silat atau seni mempertahankan diri? Adakah ia juga ilham dari gerak-geri haiwan? Silat sebenarnya meniru gerakan harimau. Perlakuan harimau, seekor binatang lambang semangat dan keberanian yang berwajah ganas dan suka mencengkam, mencakar dan mematah di olah dalam pergerakan silat.

Adaptasi gabungan pengolah-pengolah tari yang kreatif dan sains 'etologi' telah membuahkan satu hasil yang indah. Walaubagaimapun, tidak semua olah tari itu meniru gerakan binatang. Kekadang ia juga meniru gerakan manusia. Sesebuah tarian mempunyai jalan cerita tersendiri ataupun kekadang ditarikan berdasarkan kisah-kisah sejarah terdahulu. Berlainan bangsa mempunyai cara tersendiri dalam pengolahan tarian mereka.

Apa yang dapat diperkatakan disini ialah benda hidup seperti haiwan, tumbuhan dan alam semulajadi banyak menyumbang kepada cabang ilmu sains mahupun seni. Sekiranya suntikan kreatif diberi, ia mampu dijadikan satu bahan yang sangat bermakna.

Cuba perhati pada satu haiwan yang selalu ada di sekeliling kita. Contohnya seperti kucing. Perhatikan dengan teliti dan pasti kita mempelajari sesuatu yang baru. Hasil pemerhatian ini tidak mustahil akan menjurus terhadap  cetusan idea dan ilmu pengetahuan yang baru. 

Posted by Ayu
Learning Specialist, Petrosains

Friday 14 March 2014

Kaca Jadi Manik, Pelik Tapi Cantik!

Pelik tetapi ia cantik. Percaya atau tidak manik -manik dalam gambar di atas, kebanyakkannya diperbuat daripada kaca terpakai seperti kaca dari botol minuman, botol kicap dan botol minyak wangi yang sudah tidak digunakan lagi. Kaca terpakai bebas dari tambahan bahan kimia kerana pada kebiasaannya manik yang diperbuat dari kaca kristal mengandungi plumbum yang boleh menyebabkan manik kelihatan lebih bersinar dan berkilau. 
Kaca lama dikumpul dan dicairkan dengan menggunakan penunu bagas dan dalam masa yang sama ia akan dibentuk ketika masih lagi panas dan  cair. Nyalaan api yang dihasilkan oleh penunu ini adalah nyalaan api lengkap dan sangat panas. Penunu bagas dinyalakan dengan campuran gas oksigen dan propana atau butana dan menghasilkan nyalaan api berwarna biru. 
Sebagai contoh, botol kaca terpakai yang bewarna hijau boleh menghasilkan manik yang bewarna hijau. Jika ingin menambah warna lain pada manik untuk dijadikan sebagai corak,  serpihan kaca halus yang sudah ditumbuk akan ditambah di atasnya. 
Disebabkan nyalaan api sangat panas, sebatang logam panjang akan dipegang bertujuan sebagai acuan semasa proses melebur dan membentuk manik. Setelah ia sejuk, manik akan ditarik keluar dengan menggunakan playar. Kemudian manik-manik tadi akan dicuci dengan sejenis bahan pencuci khas. Permukaan manik dikikis bagi memastikan ia sekata. 
Setelah itu, manik akan dibenangkan untuk dijadikan barang perhiasan seperti rantai dan gelang. Hasilnya tidaklah sama dengan manik yang dihasilkan dari kaca kristal tetapi ia selamat digunakan dan boleh terus dipakai. Manik yang dihasilkan dari kaca terpakai adalah kurang bersinar sekiranya dibandingkan dengan manik yang dihasilkan oleh kaca kristal.

Sungguhpun begitu, banyak faedah yang akan diperolehi sekiranya kita menggunakan bahan kitar semula. Dengan sumbangan yang kecil dari setiap individu untuk kitar semula bahan, ini dapat membantu mengurangkan penggunaan tenaga di dalam industri untuk pemprosesan bahan semula jadi, dapat menjimatkan kos dan sekaligus akan memelihara alam sekitar.

Jom kitar semula dan selamatkan alam sekitar!

Posted by Ayu
Learning Specialist, Petrosains

Monday 3 March 2014

Fortune Telling Bear!

Are you in love? Are you passionate or jealous? The Fortune Telling Bear can determine that for you. Place this mystical Fortune Telling Bear on your palm and it will give you some signs! 

Do you think it’s really a magical palm reader? Not really, but science can explain this. The Fortune Telling Bear is made of a super-thin material called cellophane. Cellophane material is usually used for hamper wraps or Chinese “tanglung”. All you need to do is cut the cellophane into the shape of a bear and voila! You have a fortune telling bear!

Cellophane is a hygroscopic material. "Hygro" means water, and "scopic" means to find, making cellophane a "water-finding" material. This water-finding property means that the cellophane bear seeks out and absorbs the moisture from the surface of your palms. Since the palms of human hands have a lot of sweat glands, the cellophane is immediately successful in finding moisture to absorb.

When the cellophane absorbs moisture from the palm, the Fortune Telling Bear begins to ‘expand’ and the hand-facing surfaces of the bear will start to ‘hug’ in and out from your palm. The wriggling effect comes from the light-weight nature of cellophane that makes it very sensitive to even the slightest of air currents!

Shared by Izhana
Learning Specialist, Petrosains