Friday 20 December 2019

Perkongsian Bahan Pencetus Pembelajaran Kreatif Anak-Anak Untuk Para Pendidik

Educators Centre, Petrosains menjemput para guru, pengamal pendidikan, dan ibu bapa datang bersama-sama dengan keluarga ke Educators Hub di Petrosains, Suria KLCC untuk aktiviti-aktiviti menarik berteraskan Kemahiran Berfikir Secara Kritis dan Kreatif. Beberapa sampel aktiviti ditunjukkan dalam gambar di bawah.

Masuk ke Educators Hub adalah percuma bagi pemegang tiket lawatan Petrosains.

Aktiviti-aktiviti ini ditawarkan khusus untuk para pengunjung Petrosains bermula 28 Disember 2019. 

Sertai kami untuk meneroka secara amali (hands-on) idea-idea yang mencetus pemikiran kritikal dan kreatif anak-anak. Penyertaannya sesuai untuk setiap peringkat seisi keluarga.

Untuk maklumat lanjut, layari


Shared by Imran Arif
Guest Blogger

Apa Yang Orang Buta Warna Nampak?

Pernahkah anda tertanya bagaimana pandangan seorang buta warna? Tetapi untuk memahami topik ini, mari kita lihat punca dan jenis-jenis buta warna dahulu.

Buta warna atau kekurangan penglihatan warna adalah ketidakbolehan untuk melihat warna atau membezakan warna di bawah cahaya normal.

Punca yang paling utama ialah kecacatan dalam perkembangan kon retina yang mencerap warna dalam cahaya dan memancarkan maklumat berkenaan kepada saraf optik. Selain itu, buta warna boleh dikatakan berpunca daripada kerosakan fizikal atau kimia ke atas mata, saraf optik atau bahagian-bahagian otak. Ia juga boleh terjadi oleh kerana kerosakan fizikal atau kimia ke atas mata, saraf optik, atau bahagian-bahagian otak. Contohnya, mereka yang menghidap buta warna atau akromatopsia (dalam bahasa saintifiknya) mengalami gangguan yang jauh berbeza, tetapi masih tetap sukar mencerap warna.

1. Deuteranomalia

Penglihatan seakan sama tetapi agak sedikit cair dan samar terutamanya pada warna merah dan hijau. Mereka kurang sensitif kepada cahaya hijau dan mempunyai masalah untuk membezakan antara merah, hijau, coklat dan oren. Ia adalah jenis buta warna yang paling biasa dihidapi.

2. Protanopia

Semua tona warna hijau dan merah kelihatan agak pudar kerana mereka kurang sensitiviti terhadap cahaya merah dan sebahagian besar tona kuning dan biru hanya terjejas sedikit. Mereka akan terkeliru warna hitam dengan merah, coklat gelap dengan hijau gelap dan beberapa jenis warna biru dengan merah serta ungu dengan merah jambu gelap.

3. Tritanopia

Semua warna kelihatan merah-merah dan kehijauan. Mereka juga mengalami masalah dalam membezakan warna biru muda dengan kelabu, ungu gelap dengan hitam, medium hijau dengan biru dan warna oren dengan merah. Jenis buta ini juga dikenali sebagai ‘buta warna biru-kuning’.

4. Monochromacy

Buta warna penuh di mana hanya hitam, kelabu dan putih sahaja di sekeliling mereka, dengan erti kata yang lain mereka tidak boleh melihat warna langsung. Kehidupan mereka lebih mencabar kerana mereka tidak dapat mengagak warna berbanding orang normal.

Posted by Ain Aqila
Guest Blogger

Sejauh Mana Anda Kenal Jantung Anda?

Siapa saja yang tidak kenal jantung, organ penting yang bertanggungjawab mengepam darah melalui saluran darah dengan denyutan yang sekata yang berulang-ulang. Jantung terletak di sebelah kiri sedikit dari tengah dada dan di belakang tulang dada (sternum). 

Tapi sejauh mana anda mengenali jantung anda? Tahukah fakta-fakta sebenar mengenai organ yang penting ini? Mari kita lihat.

1. Berat jantung: kurang dari satu paun!

Terdapat pelbagai entri berkenaan berat jantung manusia. Namun, secara puratanya berat jantung ialah 300 gram hingga 400 gram atau seberat satu tin minuman ringan.

2. Purata saiznya ialah sebesar penumbuk 

Jantung kita berbentuk kon. Genggam jari anda untuk berupa penumbuk; dan itulah saiz jantung anda. Walaupun hanya bersaiz kecil berbanding dengan saiz badan keseluruhannya, namun ia sangat hebat kerana mampu mengepam darah ke seluruh badan dengan kuat dan tahan lama.

3. Tertawa dan bergembiralah!

Antara faktor risiko mendapat sakit jantung adalah daripada tekanan. Contohnya ketika dalam keadaan tertekan, tekanan darah meningkat, kita mungkin akan makan banyak, malas bersenam dan mempunyai kecenderungan untuk merokok yang semuanya menjadi faktor risiko sakit jantung. Jadi belajarlah mengawal tekanan dan cuba lakukan perkara yang menggembirakan setiap hari.

4. Sel jantung tidak boleh membiak

Sel jantung tidak mempunyai kebolehan untuk membiak sebab itu ianya sangat berharga. Sebagai contoh, apabila kulit anda terluka, badan akan memberi isyarat kepada sel kulit untuk membentuk sel baru bagi menggantikan sel yang telah mati. Selepas beberapa hari, luka tersebut akan tercantum semula. Jika berlaku kecederaan pada jantung, tiada sel baru akan dihasilkan tetapi hanya akan membentuk parut.

5. Jantung berdegup 85,000 kali sehari

Kadar degupan bagi orang normal ialah antara 60 hingga 100 degupan dalam masa seminit. Jika didarabkan dengan 24 jam, ia bersamaan 85,000 hingga 129,600 degupan sehari. Apa yang lebih menarik, jantung anda terus berdegup tanpa henti. Jika terhenti walaupun beberapa minit, anda boleh pitam kerana darah tidak sampai ke otak.

Posted by Ain Aqila
Guest Blogger

Petrosains in Iraq 2018

Ahlan Wa Sahlan min eind Iraq!
(Hello from Iraq!)

It is such a great pleasure to end the year 2018 with an exceptional experience that we will never acquire anywhere around the world. Petrosains has sent another team again this year for the 5th time to work together with the Petronas Carigali Iraq (PCIHBV) team to conduct Corporate Social Initiative (CSI) program with the community of Garraf. 

We took this opportunity to create wonders across the globe through Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (STEM) and Petrosains’ approach; Hands-on, Minds On, Hearts On. 

Upon flight checked-in, we were assisted by PCIHBV's staff
Safety is our first priority! First time donning the bulletproof vest, and you have to wear it for the next 5 hours
Mr Niko briefed us on Garraf Vocational Training Center (GVTC) set up before we start organizing all workshop's item in place
Hamizah briefed our translator, Ali on the science behind a blind spot

On 7th Dec around 4:30pm, we were safely arrived at Garraf Base Camp (GBC) after 5 and half hours journey from Basra Airport and warmly welcomed by Mr Azlan Khalil; Head of Operation and Mr Nik Othman from Corporate Affairs, PCIHBV. Their tagline “Home, away from home” says it and their hospitality, speaks for themselves. 

Our first 4 days were specially slotted for 108 pax of teachers from schools around Garraf. We spent the remaining days educating 658 the students and their accompanying teachers and yet we wished we have reached even more. We fight the language barrier in delivering knowledge through our favourite translator, Mr Yas Khudair. 

"Wow, this is delicious!" - Tn Hj Bacho enjoyed the ice cream as much as the kids loved it
Tn Hj Bacho make a time to give an inspiring speech to the kids
Hamizah represent Petrosains to received the focus recognition from CEO Garraf
Students and volunteers delighted by the Paper Cup Circuit activity

On 13th Dec, we were humbled by a visit from Tuan Haji Bacho Pilong (Vice President of International Assets, Development & Production, Upstream, PETRONAS). Tuan Haji Bacho Pilong not only gave encouraging words to those who participated in the program but he also delighted the children by personally facilitating one of the most exciting activity – make your own ice cream. On another day, Mr Sohaime Abdullah (Garraf CEO) also step foot in our workshop and proudly present a focus recognition to Petrosains for our continuous support and commitment. Both of them were so thrilled by our activities and looking forward to future collaborations, perhaps in other international assets as well. 

In the spirit of shared success, results matter and focused execution, this program has successfully impacted Petrosains’ Key Results 2018;  physical reach 766 pax of teachers and students and earned revenue RM 116,772.00. And through word of mouth, this program will definitely give a positive impact to PETRONAS.

To the esteemed Petrosains’ LT and honourable colleagues, thank you very much for all your prayers and support. 

We really treasure the once in a lifetime experience and will be delighted to share with you over coffee, lunchtime or even a simple chit chat. So don’t be shy and ask away. In the meantime, enjoy the photos below!

Teachers' Workshop

Teachers were enjoyed making their own Ice Cream

Nabilah assisted the teachers on switching off the Paper Cut Circuit

Faizal helped the teacher building his Hydraulic Syringe system

"3,2,1 Go!" - teachers release their own designed Paper Heli together

The teachers had a discussion on the science behind Cartesian Driver mini show

"Woah, this is amazing!" - said Mr Ahmed which captivated by the VR Box

Creative Science for Schools Workshop

The students were mesmerized by Petrosains' signature illusion card trick

The line-up of the top 8 most creative Safety Vest

Rizal showed off the floating egg during Eggciting Science Show

We were lucky to have a very responsive participant! 

Nabby performing the Bubble Science Show

Bye, hope you learn something kids!

Shared by Rizal Affendy
Guest Blogger

Killer Whales Are A Dolphins

Posted by Al-Ruqaiyah
Guest Blogger

Egg In The Bottle Experiment

So how does it works? The answer is all about air pressure. If you set the egg above the bottle, the air pressure inside the bottle matched the air pressure outside, so nothing happened. But if you drop a burning match inside the bottle, it caused the air inside to heat up and expand rapidly. The expanding air pushed the egg inside and escape from the bottle, that’s why the egg vibrating. When the fire consumed all the oxygen inside the bottle, the flame went out and the remaining air in the bottle cooled down.

Posted by Al-Ruqaiyah
Guest Blogger

The Story of Sahabat Petrosains at Endau-Rompin National Park, 19th - 22nd April 2019

It was nowhere near luxury for Sahabat Petrosains at SK Peta Endau that happened on the 19th to 22nd April !!. Almost every day, in the wee morning hours, one can hear the calls of the elephants in their trails searching for food. According to Cik Ahad, the guard, at times, Maybank (terms of endearment for tigers) pass the bushy trails near the school. One can’t help thinking man and animal does seem to live side by side at the National Endau Rompin Park. 

The tribe that lives here is the Jakun.

Our accommodation is the classroom space of the school – where Sahabat team slept on the cement floor.  Creepy crawlies of the jungle? Ahah …we are armed with Sulphur and salt where we sprinkled it on the floor surrounding the area that we sleep. It seems to work though.

The school

Well…flying insects are beyond our control. Most windows in the classroom can’t be closed. It's like you can see the trees outside -- and the trees can see you too. Imagine if you woke up at 3 am… and see the trees in the moonlight. Its better you shut your eyes back.

4 days and 3 nights Sahabat program run with an intermittent power outage from the ageing school generator. But we proceed with the workshops and activities, when the power went off at nights, and made possible by handphones light, torch lights and portable solar lights from the concerned teachers of SK Peta, who are well prepared, and is used to being ‘in the dark’ situation – many times. About 60 students from SK Peta and SK Punan attended the Sahabat Petrosains Camp. Example of activities done during the power outage is Pak Cik Kayo – math like activity and the wayang kulit where we stress on the principles of light. 

Our CEO, Puan Fedora and KK came on the second day of the camp, to our surprise and glee, and get to witness some of the science activities and workshops. The journey itself is 2 hours plus from the trunk road of small-town Kahang, through red gravelled road through the oil palm estates, and a tarred road in the middle of the jungle. Puan Fedora and KK stayed until the closing day on Monday… an effort by our CEO to experience and understand better – the event of Sahabat Petrosains with the orang Asli kids.

Awarding the winners

As early as 6.50 am, the guardians sent their kids to attend camp. Of course, we have to wake up earlier than that. The camp finishes at 10.30 pm each day.

With challenges like power outage and low water pressure, our Petrosains team trod on - to make the Sahabat camp goes smooth as planned – and delivering science unlike the classroom experience- to the orang Asli kids at SK Peta.

The farewell bid and advises 'rajin belajar ye'

On the last day bidding farewell was met with tears from the kids. We too felt the sadness. 

Although the 2 hours and a half journey -- going out - in the JAKOA lorry -- was rough and tough - we know Petrosains have yet deliver – what we have been assigned – a bit of our science education skills and knowledge- this time for the benefit of the Jakun’s children of the Endau Rompin community. 

Time to leave Endau-Rompin

Shared by Fozi Wazir

Pernahkah Anda Teringin untuk Berada di Angkasa Lepas?

Hanya di pameran Space, Petrosains anda boleh meneroka teknologi angkasa lepas yang terkini. Anda boleh mengetahui bagaimana angkasawan tinggal, kerja dan bermain di angkasa melalui video yang berdefinisi tinggi dan menarik yang disediakan oleh kru Stesen Angkasa Antarabangsa (International Space Station) atau lebih dikenali sebagai ISS.

Jangan lupa untuk cuba programkan rover kecil Marikh supaya ia bergerak mengelilingi landskap Martian menggunakan kod yang telah disediakan dan mudah. Kembangkan kreativiti anda untuk menggerakkan rover kecil Marikh mengelilingi landskap Martian dengan menggunakan kod mudah yang telah disediakan. 

Nikmati pengalaman seperti berada di angkasa lepas di Human Gyro dan singgah di Jupiter dan rasai sendiri tiupan angin taufan!

Posted by Ain Aqila
Guest Blogger