Tuesday, 24 November 2015

'Dentin Duty'

Why do we need to brush our teeth? We do it when we wake up in the morning, between meals and before we go to bed. 

Tooth decay is due to bacteria that grow in the space between our teeth and gums. These bacteria will feast on the tiny food particles that are stuck in between the gaps of our teeth and produce acids. These acids in turn will dilute the enamel part of our tooth, creating a hole for the bacteria to go deeper into our dentin and when these bacteria penetrate into the pulp of the tooth, it may cause severe damage to the tooth which is very painful. This may require a visit to the dentist to pull out that badly damaged tooth, leaving a gap in between the rows of our teeth which makes chewing slightly more difficult. 

The thin layer of bacteria that grows on our teeth is called plague, usually pale yellow. Simple sugars (which are found in canned drinks and sweets) are the plaque’s favourite food. Getting rid of these sugars is important if we do not want the plaque on our teeth to build up any further. This can be achieved by using a mouth-rinse after meals, flossing, and regular brushing. 

Besides the toothbrush, you can also clean your teeth with twigs from the mustard tree. These teeth-cleaning twigs are known as miswak

A good oral hygiene can save a lot of money and pain. Also, it is good to drop by a dental clinic at least twice a year for a professional check-up. Smile!

Experiment: Make your own toothpaste.

baking soda, glycerin, hydrogen peroxide, peppermint oil, squeezable container (you can buy glycerin, also known as baby mouth rinse, and hydrogen peroxide from a pharmacy).

1. Add six teaspoons of baking soda into the container.
2. Add one teaspoon of glycerin and hydrogen peroxide into the container.
3. Add a few drops of peppermint oil.
4. Mix them thoroughly.
5. Ready to use.

The use of miswak (known as kayu sugi in Malay), dates back to the time of the prophets of Islam.

Enamel [ih-nam-uhl] a glassy, usually opaque, substance on hard surfaces.
Dentin [den-tn] the hard tissue, that is similar but denser than bone, that forms the major portion of the tooth.

Shared by Surain A. Victor
Guest Blogger

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